What’s in the workshop
This is a whirlwind trip through the NHS to discover some of the amazing careers your students never knew existed!
During the show, Tom shows your students some of the draw dropping video footage of the medical tests he has been through…. just for the fun of it! You get to see what happens to blood in a lab, why he breathed in a lung full of carbon monoxide… as well as seeing the inside of his lungs during a bronchoscopy.
There are loads of exciting live demos too. Tom asks for some willing volunteers to take part in some medical tests on the stage including recording an ECG from their heart, looking inside their body with an ultrasound and performing a live video stream from the inside of someone’s eye!!!
What careers does the workshop cover?
The show focuses on careers from Healthcare Science. There are over 50 careers in this area and they pretty much all require A-C grades at GCSE in Maths, English and Science, making them accessible to loads of your students.
It’s not all about patient based careers either. Tom covers Medical Engineering, Lab Science, Bioinformatics, Medical Physics and of course, Physiology, meaning there is something for everyone in the show.